How to Draw Bubble Letters Step by Step How to Draw Easy Step by Step for Beginners

Bubble Letter Drawing Tutorial

Today you'll learn how to draw bubble letters. They are among the most basic of lettering styles, making them perfect for beginners.

There are a variety of ways to draw them. Today I'd like to focus on some basic techniques that you can use to improve your ability to draw cool looking bubble letters.

Let's begin by looking at the supplies that were used for this bubble letter drawing tutorial.

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Art Supplies

  • Pentel mechanical pencil
  • Click eraser
  • Pink Pearl eraser
  • Cardstock
  • Pitt Artist pens
  • Bic Intensity markers
  • Gelly Roll pen (white)

Bubble Letters Drawing Guidelines

When drawing your lettering, it's good practice to start with a guideline to layout the flow of your letters.

Depending on what you have in mind for your final drawing, this could be just one simple line. Or you might need to sketch out a more advanced layout like we did in our How to Draw Graffiti Style Letters for Beginners lesson.

For our bubble letter drawing all we need is a single line. It can be curved, like I did. Or it can be straight.

Drawing Bubble Letters

Last week we learned How to Draw Stylized Letters. In that lesson we learned about using regular handwritten letters as our guides for drawing more advance letters.

We are going to use that same technique to draw our bubble letters. For this example I'll be drawing the word "BUBBLE". I know, so original.

How to Draw a Bubble Letter B

When drawing bubble letters you want to avoid corners and pointed lines. Every line should be rounded. Write the letter "B" at the beginning of your guideline. Think about the desired shape of your bubble letter when you do this.


Do you want the top to be smaller than the bottom, or should they be the same size?

Next, draw the inside lines for your B in both the top and bottom section. You can draw one continuous line, or break it up like I did here.

I'm drawing my bubble letters to look sort of like balloons. But you can simplify yours if you prefer.

Draw the outside lines for your B next. Remember to keep everything rounded.


When you are happy with how your letter B looks, move onto the U. The letters in this example have a bit of space between them. If you want your letters to overlap, make sure you draw them closer together.

Whether or not you choose to overlap your letters is up to you. We'll show you an example of overlapped bubble letters in the next example a little later in this post.


Continue working your way through each letter.


Bubble Letters Outline

After you've drawn all of your letters out and you're happy with how they look, it's time to start working on the finishing touches.

Using a black pen or marker, trace over your pencil lines. I usually use a Pitt Artist pen to ink my drawings.

After you have gone over all of your lines, use an eraser to clean up your drawing and remove any pencil lines.

How to Draw Bubble Letters in Color

Your letters are now ready to add some color to them and make them look more attractive. I prefer to use markers for most of my colors. They are easy to work with and look great. For the price, you can beat Bic markers. You can read our full product review at, Bic Intensity Marker Review – Fine Point.

Decide on a color scheme, and fill in your letters. If you are going to blend different colors together in your letters, you will probably want to stick with analogous colors.

The colors used for this example were Rambunctious Red and Sunset Orange.

You can learn more about color theory and color schemes at Understanding Color Theory for Artists.

Graffiti Bubble Letter Art Tutorial

For this next example a slightly different style of bubble letters were drawn. This style is a little less complex, and is more inline with your basic bubble letters.

Begin by drawing your guidelines. For this example we're going to approach it as more of a finished work of art. So we need to think more about composition.

Therefore, we need to draw all of the letters out ahead of time. Lettering usually looks better if you overlap them a bit. So let's draw our rough sketch with that in mind.

Next, follow the same process as before and draw your lines around your guide letters. Again, making sure you keep your lines all rounded. Trace over your pencil lines with a black marker. And then use an eraser to remove all of your pencil lines.

In this example a drop shadow was added. It was added to the bottom and the left of the letters.


For the colors, Bic Intensity markers were used. I love how this purple and blue look together. The exact colors are Oceanview Blue, and Polynesian Purple.


These two markers blend together really nicely. For some tips on blending markers take a look at, How to Blend Markers for Beginners. White highlights were added with a Gelly Roll pen. And then a background was drawn around the bubble letters for the finishing touches.


There are countless ways to draw your backgrounds. You can draw anything from very simplistic, to extremely complex.

Bubble Letter Styles

There are an endless number of ways to draw your bubble letters. And hundreds of bubble letter styles. You could take any lettering style that you like and draw them as bubble letters by rounding all of the edges and making them "puffy" looking.

The best way to get good at drawing your bubble letter styles is by practicing as many times as possible and seeing what you come up with. Try picking one letter and drawing it seven different ways. It's a lot of fun, and great practice.


So practice as much as you can using the techniques from this tutorial. Try doing your drawings on artist trading cards to save time.

How to Draw Bubble Letters Step by Step

I hope you enjoyed learning how to draw bubble letters and feel inspired to create your own.

If you want something a bit more advanced take a look at How to Draw Stylized Letters or How to Draw Graffiti Style Letters for Beginners.

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