In Drupal, I effort to install this module from URL from the page of web/admin/modules/install , immediately I go the "The website encountered an unexpected error. " am wondering is this module supporting the installation through URL, or it has to be installed from composer ? Thank you.


freelylw's picture

SushiPrice's picture

I also got the same error. How am I supposed to get around this problems? I merely know how to install modules from the Drupal install modules bill of fare.

eit2103's picture

Alex_W's picture

Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserException: "Missing required keys (type) in temporary://update-extraction-50e8f34a/libraries/tests/example/" at ...\core\lib\Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic.php line 57

mspirit's picture

Same here for d9
Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserException: Missing required keys (type) in temporary://update-extraction-1d6bba84/libraries/tests/example/ in Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic->parse() (line 57 of ../core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/InfoParserDynamic.php).

RootsLilla's picture

Running D 8.9 - Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserException: Missing required keys (type) in temporary://update-extraction-c50b53d9/libraries/tests/example/ in Drupal\Core\Extension\InfoParserDynamic->parse() (line 57 of /home/mypolvtf/public_html/ghs-drup8/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Extension/InfoParserDynamic.php).

Any workaround? Nosotros'd like to employ the JuiceBox Gallery module, only cannot without the Libraries API.

worldbridges's picture

I was able to install the module by uploading via FTP.

paulocs's picture

I can confirm the problem but this was already fixed in the dev branch.

A new release should exist created. This release will fix all drupal ix compatibility problems.

VortexCentrum's picture

I have several D9 sites. I accept this problem on one of them.

It is a recently developed error.

NB: the error arises with both install from URL and uploading from local auto.

Ljungqvist's picture

Had the aforementioned problem and found the post-obit workaround.

Paste post-obit lawmaking snippet under "name:Instance info file" in Line 2 of file tests/example/

So that information technology looks like that:

                name: Instance info file blazon: module description: Allows version-dependent and shared usage of external libraries. core: eight.x core_version_requirement: ^eight || ^9              

The naught it over again and you lot can install it via file upload.
Promise that helps.

clecio.dias's picture

I had the same problem.
After installing manually, apparently it is not working.

clecio.dias's picture

Right now, when I tryed to update this module, I found this message mistake:

Ocorreu um erro HTTP no AJAX.
Código practise Resultado HTTP: 500
Estas são as informações de depuração.
Caminho: /base22/batch?id=52&op=do_nojs&op=do
Texto de Condition: Internal Server Fault
Texto de Resposta: Ocorreu um erro inesperado no site. Por favor tente novamente mais tarde.

Erro fatal ao tentar fazer o download.

An HTTP error occurred in AJAX.
HTTP Upshot Lawmaking: 500
This is debug information.
Path: /base22/batch?id=52&op=do_nojs&op=practise
Status Text: Internal Server Error
Response Text: An unexpected error has occurred on the website. Please try again later.

Fatal error while trying to download.

onewomanbiz's picture

Later installing this update 8.x-3.0-beta2, and running the update script, Libraries still wants to update using this version.

I tried the snippet in post #xi, but I got the this web has encountered an unexpected fault, and then I reverted to the original pack.

onewomanbiz's picture

De Charybde en Scylla equally we say in French

I installed the latest version hoping to get rid of the "new version available" message afterwards the last version update

I didn't know how lucky I was. Now the site displays the white screen of death " this website has encountered and mistake... and alternately. black screen of death , 500 error this website is unavailable.

After refreshing the page a random number of times I can get dorsum, but any admin activeness puts me back in WSD or BSD jail.

Libraries API decidely has "issues".
